Detroit metal city tokyo tower
Detroit metal city tokyo tower

detroit metal city tokyo tower
  1. #Detroit metal city tokyo tower serial#
  2. #Detroit metal city tokyo tower manual#

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    detroit metal city tokyo tower

    #Detroit metal city tokyo tower manual#

    Before making a single edit, Tropedia EXPECTS our site policy and manual of style to be's as if the executive producers are like 'this anime won't sell unless it's like eva, so add in some confusing psychological stuff!' - and none of them do it as well as eva - i'm not sure i see the contradiction in that quote, could you elaborate? also there are certainly cultural differences, but i think the generational difference is more important. but after its enormous success anime strived to out-eva eva, by making their stories even more incomprehensible, and making their characters even more pathetic, and its influence can be felt pretty much in every anime created after it. it was pretty entertaining, i enjoyed watching it, it was an interesting experiment. « Last Edit: February 02, 2012, 03:45:27 PM by Paul Eres - hmm, i probably should have said the reasons when i first said it was bad but i assumed it was common knowledge - there's a large segment of 80s anime fans who feel that eva marked the end of good anime, it's not just meĪlso to be clear, i don't think eva was badly made, or not entertaining.

    detroit metal city tokyo tower

    that's not to say that there aren't still a few life-affirming, inspirational anime being created (miyazaki's studio ghibli, for instance, still largely creates inspiring anime), it's just not the trend anymore and is the exception rather than the rule, whereas it was pretty common in the 80s So basically, i think eva, through its popularity, contributed to the end of the 'heroic' era of anime and brought about the 'psychologic' era, which doesn't appeal to me as much because i largely watched anime to be inspired, not to be depressed. the closest in modern anime that i can think of is "L" in the death note - and he's the heroic *antagonist* demon city shinjuku's hero was someone i looked up to and wanted to be like, and i don't really get that any more with modern anime, there's nobody to look up to and strive to emulate anymore. the classic anime heroes were actually *heroes*, whereas modern anime heroes are more wishy-washy. It also, as phubans indirectly mentioned earlier, started the trend of troubled/emo protagonists rather than heroic ones.

    #Detroit metal city tokyo tower serial#

    after eva, most anime seems devised to confuse the viewer, to make them have to figure out the plot (examples: flcl, paprika, serial experiments lain), rather than to just convey a fun story in an entertaining way (examples: voltron/go-lion, sailor moon, ranma 1/2) It started a trend of 'psychology' based confusing plots, and largely ended the trend of 'traditional' plots. i change my mind often so it might be different later on, but for right now that's what i believeĪs for the thought process behind the statements, the sci fi one is beyond the topic of this thread, but i can go into why eva is bad a little it's just what i believe is true right now. Makes you think i was saying it was objective, let alone infallible? those are strange things to say - to be clear, what i say is neither objective nor infallible.

    Detroit metal city tokyo tower